What's New?
EPIC-C now offers consultant services. We have solutions to kinked, twisted,
looped or bunched cables. Answers for standard cables versus robotic or
continuous flex; ease of installation - the right way; why track clicks when it is
bent; how to keep your rack from flipping its lid. We have solutions for these and
many other areas - our consultant services are reasonable and worth your time.
Stainless Steel Cable Trays For Infrastructure & Process Equipment
Siltec stainless steel cable routing systems were developed for functionality, simplicity and accessibility and to enable heat dissipation and thorough cleaning.

Stainless Steel Cable Trays
Engineered for the Highest Hygienic Standards In Cable Management.
All Wiring Applications: Power, Motors & Drives, Control, Data & Ethernet, Sensor Cables.
Trays may be used for Electrical Cables, Tubing for Fluid and Pneumatic Applications
SILTEC Stainless Steel Cable Trays can be Reused and Reconfigured
GREEN Technology

SILTEC Stainless Steel Cable trays are being used in the brewing industry

EPIC-C Can Provide Additional Services Regarding Trays and Cables
Contact EPIC-C for all cable needs.
Great Product:
EMKA The handling of the Agent E Wireless Handles has been simplified and
made more intuitive. In addition, energy consumption was further reduced.
Waking up of the wireless handles is now via push button in the handle instead of
touching the lock surface. For a complete listing of new products, go to